Why I Use NetGalley

 *This post might include Amazon Affiliate links.

A couple weeks ago, I posted a video that was ALL about NetGalley and what my shelf looks like! I first discovered NetGalley at the beginning of the pandemic, and I've been addicted ever since. I'm so addicted that I . . . have like 80 unread ARCs on my shelf, but it's FINE. We're fine, truly.

To me, NetGalley provides an amazing opportunity to discover new authors and books, many of which I probably never would have heard about if not for the site; it allows me to get out of my comfort zone a bit. I love getting to share early reviews of some AMAZING books and get them all hyped up before their publishing dates. Some of my favorite books have been found through NetGalley, one of them being Lakesedge by Lyndall Clipstone.

Although I am . . . a bit behind on my NetGalley shelf, my goal for 2022 is to reach an 80% feedback ratio and keep it there. This basically means that 80% of the books I have been approved for have been reviewed. I'm currently at 55%, which isn't awful by any means, but it's not super great either. I have been approved for 194 books and have given feedback on 106!

I Kissed Shara Wheeler
I would say that a majority of my NetGalley ARCs are thrillers or romance. For example, I have ARCs of Love on the Brain, Dead Wind, First Born, I Kissed Shara Wheeler, and more! These are mostly unreleased books, but I have so many that have been published as well, such as Sundial, The Book of Cold Cases, and Certain Dark Things

Although I have SO MANY ARCs to get to, I have high hopes of catching up by this time next year. I have officially put myself on a NetGalley requesting ban, so I have not requested anything new in the last couple of weeks, which is very good for me. I just get so excited about books and can't help but want to read everything on NetGalley!

Do you use NetGalley? Feel free to comment and let me know!

Behind the Scenes NetGalley Tour


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